The anime series “Bye Bye, Earth” has officially announced its second season, scheduled to premiere in April 2025. To celebrate this announcement, the first episode of the inaugural season will be available for free streaming on the official WOWOW YouTube channel for a limited time.
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About “Bye Bye, Earth”
Adapted from Tow Ubukata’s 2000 fantasy novel, “Bye Bye, Earth” is set in a world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. The story follows Belle Lablac, the sole human in this realm, who embarks on a journey to discover her origins, armed with a massive sword known as the Runding.
Production Team:
- Director: Yasuto Nishikata
- Assistant Director: Souta Yokote
- Series Composer: Hiroyuki Yoshino
- Character Designer: Yuki Hino
- Music Composer: Kevin Penkin
- Animation Production: LIDENFILMS
The first season of “Bye Bye, Earth” is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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